International Migration Services Hesse (IMD)

Matchmaking, language qualification and integration of skilled workers from abroad

The idea behind our International Migration Service is innovative and forward-looking: skilled workers are recruited abroad and subsequently prepared for the labor market in Germany. This offer is a response to current social and economic developments in Germany and Europe.

The pandemic has put healthcare systems around the world to the test and shown how important not only doctors but also well-trained nurses are. The shortage of skilled workers is not limited to the healthcare system. Engineers, IT specialists, scientists, educators and craftsmen are also in high demand.

We bring demand and supply together at fair conditions and thus counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

If you and your company are looking for skilled workers, you are welcome to find out more here or contact us directly. We can also advise you by phone or present our offer face-to-face.

Fair and sustainable solutions

In 2011, the IB started to develop the International Migration Services – recruitment of skilled workers abroad – in order to help unemployed young adults from abroad to find a job in Germany. 

Annually, the IB helps around 200 young people into a career in Germany. The IB is offering modular services including language courses, integration services, accommodation and support you to find a job. The well-trained and motivated experts learn German in intensive language courses and live in hotels, host families or in houses or apartments offered by the IB.

Our objective as an organization, during the process of recruitment and placement of candidates in Germany, is to ensure the fulfillment of obligations and rules based on the following principles:

In February 2022, the International Migration Service of the IB was awarded the RAL quality mark "Fair Recruitment Care Germany". Accordingly, we ensure that our cooperation partners respect and follow the mentioned principles just as we do. Here you can find out more about the quality mark and the associated specifications and quality features.

Services at a glance


During the intensive language course in Germany, future employees will be accommodated either in one of IB's guesthouses, hotels, or in guesthouses and will be well looked after by us on site. We support the professionals in official matters and in finding accommodation after the language course. The apartments are fully furnished, so that no furnishings have to be purchased. The apartments are shared by the professionals in single or double rooms.

Depending on the assignment and the client, the professionals may live in the employer's accommodation (e.g. nurses' home).


Immediately after your arrival in Germany, all necessary matters and formalities such as registration, opening an account, accommodation, etc. will be arranged during an introductory week. In addition, during your language qualification phase, a competent contact person with appropriate language skills in the native language of the future professionals will be available to assist you upon request.


Your shared flats have common rooms, self-catering kitchens, and sanitary facilities. During the language course, the students are provided with breakfast and lunch at our educational center. In the evening, you can your own dinner in the shared kitchen.


By integrating socio-cultural elements about the German lifestyle, IB facilitates the arrival of participants and creates the basis for their sustainable integration.

Intensive Language Courses

After your arrival and an introductory week, you will complete 4-5 months intensive courses, divided into 400 hours of language course and 30 hours of orientation course. Your language promotion phase ends with a language test at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, (Deutsch-Test fuer Zuwanderer – DTZ). 

Elementary language use

Independent use of language

Competent use of language








Basic knowledge

Fundamental knowledge

Independent use of language

Expert language skills

Almostnative language speaker


Specialized language exam as part of professional licensing:

In some states, a technical language exam is already part of professional license This means that specific situations of everyday nursing care at work are simulated and tested in an examination.

In order to register for a technical language examination, at least the level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (CEFR) is required.

Further information can be found in the information brochure in the downloads.

DeuFöV courses are designed to help participants acquire, deepen and consolidate job-related German skills. The aim of the courses is to improve the chances of migrants and people with a migration background in the labor market.

For more information, please contact the Bundesagentur für Migration und Flüchtlinge.

Recruitment in the respective country

The partner organization is providing the following services:

The basis of your selection are the qualifications, which are relevant for the partner organizations in the countries of origin. The partner organizations carry out the pre-selection of candidates. Of course, the companies determine the criteria for your job profiles.  The IB partners also provide their support in the arrangement of all the necessary preparations for your to enter Germany, in case you are successfully selected.


Consent to the processing of personal data you find here:

Deutsch English Spanisch

Here you will find information about nursing care in Germany:

Deutsch English Español Français Русский Portugues Українськаl Tiếng Việt  العربية

Here you can get more information about Data Privacy:

Deutsch English Spanisch


Opening hours:

  • Monday to Thursday / 08:00 am – 17:00 pm
  • Friday 08:00 am - 13:00 pm


Theresa Hilbig (Phone: +49 6033/9721851)


For complaints, we ask you to fill out the complaint form and send it to us by email (

We do our best to reply to you within 2 weeks. You can find the complaint form here.

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