Step by step

Step 1: Your application

  • Your application is received by us or by one of our partners in the country of origin. It will be translated into German and forwarded to the interested company.
  • You will be selected by the company and we will give you an appointment for an interview. Before the interview, we offer an information event via an online platform and explain the further procedure to you, answer your questions and prepare information about your potential employer.
  • The interview also takes place via the online platform. Company representatives, an interpreter and the IMS team were present.

Step 2: Start of language course

  • At another information event, you will be informed whether the employer has decided in favor of you and how to proceed from now on.
  • You start the language course at a language school that works with us in your country of origin. The language course will also take place online. So you can continue to work and have time for your family if necessary.
  • While you are learning German, apply for and collect all the documents for the professional recognition process. You send the documents to the IMD team in Germany. The documents are checked and translated by a state-approved and sworn interpreter. After we have received all the required documents, we will initiate the recognition process.

Step 3: Preparation for entry

  • As soon as you have received your language certificate for the B1 level, you will apply for a visa to enter Germany. Approval usually takes six weeks.

Step 4: Your travel to Germany

  • We organize the transport to the airport and also the trip to Germany.
  • You will be picked up from the airport in Germany and can move straight into your accommodation.
  • The welcome days follow to make your arrival easier and to prepare you for everyday life in Germany.
  • Through an intensive or extra-occupational language course, you will learn the German language up to B2 level.
  • The authorities report the adjustment effort to be compensated for professional recognition. The required measure (knowledge test or adaptation course) is then planned and carried out. After you have successfully completed this measure, you will receive your professional recognition and can work as a recognized specialist in Germany.

Project procedure

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